For anyone who has felt left out or pushed out of the church, Othered is your invitation to find spiritual rest and belonging in a God who loves, restores, and blesses the outcast and the marginalized. Jenai Auman draws on her experience growing up as a biracial kid in the American South as well as working within toxic ministry environments to reveal a hopeful, trauma-informed way forward. This book illuminates how hurt and betrayal in the church are longstanding problems that God neither sanctions nor tolerates. It offers holistic responses to the grief, anger, and trauma that come with being ostracized or oppressed by the church. And it shows how God provides shelter and provision in the midst of the wilderness.

You can preorder OTHERED at any of the following retailers.

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I have a few gifts for those who preorder OTHERED before June 25.



I’m grateful to the many of you who have helped launched OTHERED into the world with me. Your support and preorders have helped make this book available to those who have felt harm and pain in spaces that were suppose to be safe refuges.

As a token of my gratitude, I have some PREORDER THANK YOU gifts to share with those who preorder OTHERED before June 25, 2024:

  • A printable Finger Prayer Labyrinth (digital download)

  • “Seeking Shalom as the Othered: A Guide for Belonging” (digital download)

    • This guide serves as a companion that you can use for both communal discussion or private journaling and processing.

  • An invitation to the early reader OTHERED Book Club (hosted on SUBSTACK) only for those who preorder before MAY 25.

    • - In the book club, we’ll go through “Seeking Shalom as the OTHERED” together.

    • - We’ll read along and share words that resonate in the comments of weekly posts.

    • - And each weekly post will give you behind-the-scenes info on why each chapter was pivotal for me to include in the book.

    • - Also included, 2 Virtual ZOOM meetings! One WELCOME meeting + one LAUNCH CELEBRATION meeting with Q&A